
events events!

whole foods market north evanston (1640 chicago ave) is hosting a gluten-free education series which is aimed to "help you lead a healthy, happy and delicious gluten-free lifestyle."  the remaining 2 classes take place on february 28th, topic: gluten-free at home, and march 27th topic: gluten -free dining out.   both run from 7 - 8:30pm.  classes are a steal at $15 each, and my past experiences trying to sign up for whole foods cooking classes tell me that you should register right away if you're interested!  for registration info click here.

the CSAGC is having their 7th annual celiac walk in oak brook.  it's scheduled to take place on may 17, 2008.  you'll need registration and waiver forms, as well as a pledge sheet which can all be found here.  i'm assuming the donations will go towards the group's celiac education programs, their work with health professionals, public awareness efforts, and social events -- at least that's what it says on the pledge form!  check in is 9am, and the walk begins at 10.  the registration fee is $20 per person, $50 per family, and the late reg fees are $5 more.  there will be a raffle and gluten-free food served.  for more info, click the link above or call 847.225.4156.

i sure need this!  it's a 2-day conference and expo, with demonstrations by fabulous GF-wise chefs, a vendor showcase so you can see and preview some GF products that are available, including liquors and beer, and "gourmet gluten free breakfasts and lunches for attendees."
it's taking place at the doubletree hotel in oakbrook, which is where the 3 doubletree GF-friendly restaurants are located (atrium cafe, anthony's, and foxes -- see sidebar).  the event dates are friday, september 12 thru saturday september 13, 2008.  if you register by may 15, the full 2-day conference will be $349, and 1 day (either friday or saturday) is $179.  registration after that date ups your price by $30 for the full course and $20 for the single.  click here for the event website.

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